Single-probe induction logging tool IR-GK1

Special geophysical systems

Single-probe induction logging tool IR-GK1

 Single-probe induction logging tool IR-GK1



The IR-GK1 single- probe induction logging tool is designed for induction and gamma-ray logging in water wells with registration of active and reactive components of apparent conductivity.             

The device is used in an open hole or cased (pipes made of plastic) wells filled with flushing fluid with a resistance above 0.1 Ohm / m or in dry ones. In cased wells, the device strikes the boundaries of the reservoir and the filter from a metal mesh.



The IR-GK1 single- probe induction logging tool has cable and autonomous versions.





Induction probe formula


The radius of the research of the induction probe:
- horizontal R, m
- vertical H, m


Operating frequency of the probe, kHz

100 ± 0.5

Measuring range of apparent electrical conductivity (resistance ):
- active component, mS / m (Ohm / m)
- reactive component, mS / m (Ohm / m)

2 - 1000 (1 - 500)
2 - 1000 (1 - 500)

Measurement error of N value, mSm / m (Ohm / m)

± (0,03 * N + 1) (± (0,05 * N + 1))

Zero- level stability :
- for the active component, mS / m (Ohm / m)
- for the reactive component, mS / m (Ohm / m) / m

± 1 (± 1)
± 2 (± 2)

Coefficient of mutual influence:
- active component on the reactive
- reactive component on the active

no more than 0.04
no more than 0.04

Sensitivity of probes, not worse than mS / m (Ohm / m)

0.5 (2)

The most admissible ambient temperature, ° C


Maximum allowable hydrostatic pressure of the environment, MPa


Diameter of the investigated wells, mm

from 110 to 350

Logging speed, m / h

up to 750

The maximum diameter of the device, mm


Device length, mm, no more


Mass of the device, kg, no more



An example of the received data of the induction logging tool