Complex of wellhead parameters monitoring for gas wells FAKEL-B

Special geophysical systems

Complex of wellhead parameters monitoring for gas wells FAKEL-B

The Fakel-B complex is designed to record pressure and temperature at the wellhead in real time with display on a computer screen.

In the FAKEL-B complex , data transmission from pressure recorders (RDA), temperature recorders (RTA), as well as from a remote manometer-thermometer (MTB) to the USO is carried out via a wireless communication channel. Removal of RDA and RTA from USO, which ensures stable data transmission in open space - up to 30 m, and for a remote pressure gauge-thermometer - up to 500 m.  

remote manometer-thermometer (MTB) component of complex for monitoring the wellhead parameters of gas wells FAKEL-B Remote temperature sensor RDA-L
USO component of complex for monitoring the wellhead parameters of gas wells FAKEL-B


Autonomous pressure recorder RDA-L Autonomous pressure recorder RDA-L-60-0.5-T2-IP67-B
Functional diagram of the FAKE-B complex


Functional diagrams of complexes

Layout of nodes of the complex for monitoring the wellhead parameters of gas wells FAKEL-B.

Layout of nodes of the complex for monitoring the wellhead parameters of gas wells FAKEL-B


Main technical characteristics



Upper limit of gauge pressure measurement range, MPa

sixteen; 25; 40; 60

Limits of basic permissible relative error of gauge pressure measurement,%

± 0.1 *; ± 0.25; ± 0.5

Pressure resolution,% of the upper limit of gauge pressure measurement, not worse


Operating temperature range, ° С

from minus 20 to 50
from minus 40 to 70

Temperature resolution, ° С, not worse


   * by special order